More Checklist for First Timers: How to Prepare for IELTS Tests

More Checklist for First-Timers: How to Prepare for IELTS Tests

This is the second and concluding part of our earlier blog on creating a checklist for first timers on how to prepare for IELTS exams.

i. Work on your spellings
The examiner is not only interested in knowing how well you speak and understand what s/he says, but will also judge you on your spellings. Your written IELTS test is, therefore, equally important.

ii. Practice makes you perfect
Practice is what will help improve your English for IELTS.This is an important tip for IELTS writing, reading and speaking tests. Reading newspapers aloud, writing randomly on any topic that comes to your mind, speaking with your family and friends in English instead of your mother tongue are just some of the tips you can practice.

iii. Work on your handwriting
No matter how well your tenses, nouns and spellings, everything will fall flat if your handwriting is not legible. Work on your handwriting as diligently as you prepare for all your IELTS examination components.

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Watch as many British English TV shows as possible :
Who says preparing for IELTS tests can be boring? Watching a lot of quality British English TV shows and movies is actually an easy and interesting way to improve your English!

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