How to Get a High Score in IELTS Speaking Tests

How to Get a High Score in IELTS Speaking Tests The IELTS Speaking test  is one of the most interesting of the four IELTS tests . The other three – IELTS Reading test , IELTS Listening test and IELTS Writing test  are based on testing your comprehension abilities. But the IELTS Speaking test is where you can use your imagination on any given topic.

What’s more, you get an opportunity to impress your examiner at the beginning of the IELTS Speaking Test . It is more of a meet and greet session. Not completely informal, but not very formal either, it is often called Part Zero of the IELTS Speaking test.

Read on for quick tips on how to get high score in IELTS speaking tests:

  • Smile. Relax. These are the two key words to remember as you enter the examiner’s room. Any hint of nervousness will have a negative impact on your IELTS speaking test. It may also hamper your pronunciation and sentence construction.
  • Smile to bring emotion into your voice. The more monotonous you sound, the lower are your chances of scoring high.
  • Remember that the IELTS Speaking test  judges you on your pronunciation, and on your confidence and coherence.
  • It is your test, not the examiner’s. If you do not understand anything, request the examiner to repeat the question.
  • Use as many linking words as possible and enhance your vocabulary with impressive words.



To score high on your ielts speaking test, work equally hard on fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and your pronunciation… Remember, your IELTS Speaking test is your opportunity to impress your examiner. Make the best of this opportunity to score high for your overall IELTS band score.

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Related links:

5 Easy Ways to Increase your IELTS Speaking Score to 7 or Higher

How I Scored 9 in IELTS Speaking

7 Essential Strategies for Maximizing your IELTS Test Score

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