Beginning of IELTS Speaking Test

The beginning of IELTS Speaking Test will take you by surprise if you think it is designed to only test you on your speaking skills. The Ielts examiner will be there right before you and the IELTS Speaking Test is a face-to-face conversation with the examiner.

Read on to find out the important things to be kept in mind for your IELTS Speaking Test :

The Ielts speaking test has three sections, each roughly of about 5 minutes. Part 1 is the basic introduction, Part 2 is the real test, and Part 3 requires you to share in-depth responses. You will be handed over a task card with a topic and points that you need to cover in your talk. You will be given a minute to prepare and about 2 minutes to talk on the topic. You will then be asked questions on your topic. This two-way discussion will be carried forward in Part 3 for more detailed responses.

Read blogs on how best you can prepare yourself. Many reputed institutes have ready reference material put out online that can help you to prepare for IELTS all by yourself. This blog , for instance, is worth a read.


Make best use of the time before the IELTS test to practice speaking in English with your friends, family and coach. Ask them to ask you questions and record the way you respond. Remember: Fluency and coherency in speech is what you shall be marked upon.

Record yourself as you sit to practice. This is not only going to help you hear your mistakes, but is also going to help you during the real test. Recording your practice session is helpful because, the examiner too will be recording your responses during your final Ielts speaking test .

You will be judged on how well you communicate and are able to speak at length on any given topic. The choice of words you use and the way you construct your sentences is extremely important.

You will be judged on your pronunciation as well. All the more reason to record your practice sessions!

On the day of the test , collect your thoughts together and relax. Avoid a rigid body language. This will give the IELTS examiner an impression of you being nervous. Remember that you need to speak clearly and fluently.

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